Thursday 21 April 2011

The lion is complete!

I must appologise for the lack of updates - but I haven't had much time as I've been busy finishing Silmiramarillion!  (BTW if you are looking for info through Pride in Bournemouth, his name there is just Silmarillion.)

I finished my stint at the Miramar with a 6 hour painting day on the 1st April - which was quite exhausting.  The following Monday the lion was moved to the lion's den where I patched up some scratches and painted on 3 coats of varnish.  It was amazing to finish - and I have clocked up 107 hours since I started painting in early December.  This is mostly due to only working a couple of hours at a time - and the large learning curve to painting on a large 3D object!

Still, it was all worthwhile as I enjoyed the whole process and feel a little more like a proper artist now (only a little mind!).  Here are a few images (lots were out of focus sadly):

The Nazgûl flies it's ancient beast

The beginning's of Hobbiton

 Gwaihir fly's over a scene of the fellowship of travellers

Gandalf tells Frodo about the magic ring of power - poem below

Front view of a proud and completed SilmarilLion

I hope you have enjoyed following this project - its not quite over and I will post some more about what old 'Si' gets up to over the summer - and hopefully some nice pics from his launch party :)

Friday 4 March 2011

I'm still painting - honest!

I've been very lax at writing this blog - but that does mean that you will see lots of new stuff now as it's been so long!  The map is pretty much finished, some of the characters are coming to life.  There's a way to go, but there is definite progress.

This pic shows part of the map - with my nod to the locality and the boat that takes those who have chosen to go into the west.  Also the sea now has some colour - which was added during a wake!

This is the beginning's of a scene from Hobbiton, with much to be done yet!

I added Galadriel on the shoulder above her woods - Lothlorien!  She stands by her silver basin in which she can see images by using her magic ring.

And - Gollum!  He now has some paint - he had just been a sketch for a few weeks.  think he needs some tweaking, but otherwise I am quite pleased with the progress - will try to take wider shots for next time :)

Thursday 27 January 2011

Work progresses

Hello - it's been a while, but then in-between you wouldn't have seen much more than different wavy lines appearing!  Now though - I have moved on to the body, and have made good progress with the foreleg which depicts a scene from the woods of Lothlorien and the the flower Sam Gamgee (and my mother) names his daughter after - elanor!  I'm not sure on the reception of my green  leg - one woman yesterday came up laughing nervously as she noted his leg was green!  It's all part of the Tolkien theme though, and I think when it's all complete it will look OK.

So, to get you up to date - the waves took some time, I think my inspiration was waning a little.  But determined to get to a sensible finish with them, I persevered.  It felt great though to move on to the body, which has had a couple of coats of a pale brown/dun colour over the back, sides and onto the tops of the legs.  I've also given him a relatively ordinary tail.  I used the paint much wetter on the foreleg to try and blend it to the background colour - it sort of worked, but I need to do some work on it yet.  Still, I'm pleased with the main flower - and below you can see for yourself.

Hopefully progress will continue to pick up pace now - it's difficult though just being at the Miramar for a couple of hours 3 - 4 times a week.  Still, it's all good - as it's still great fun to work there and quietly do a little people watching as I paint :)

Thursday 6 January 2011

Mane Stream!

Happy New Year!  Finally I am back to painting 'Si' - and it's good to be back :)

Yesterday I mostly patched up damage from children climbing on him over the Christmas holidays!  There were quite a few scratches - some deep - but worse are the scuffs from rubber soled shoes as these leave behind some of the rubber which doesn't take the paint very well :((  I will just have to keep going over them I suppose - one of the dangers of painting, and keeping the object, in a public space.

That aside - I've been getting back in tune with the project and today added the 'mane' stream down the middle of his mane.  I wasn't sure at first how to approach the top of the mane, but somehow the patterns seem to just form naturally as I begin to paint.  I suppose it's all about having that initial boldness, the rest just kind of follows on.

I would like to get the rest of the waves filled in in the next couple of visits now as I'm itching to get on to the body - it varies as to how many people come to talk to me, as to how long I get each time really - though I do like the conversation and that's all part of the project too - to bring awareness of the lions and why we are doing this.  Might have to get down there earlier tomorrow :)

Friday 10 December 2010

The Waves are spreading!

The end of another working week and one side of the waves is mostly done!  This detail is turning out to be much more time consuming than I had imagined - and the maximum time I seem to be able to do at this level of concentration at the moment is about 2 and a half hours.  But progress is being made, and lots of the guests at the Miramar seem to be very interested in the lion - which is great for general publicity as they are mostly local people.

I've been hearing lots of little snippets of conversations while working on the lion - people's children living abroad, friends who couldn't make it due to illness, talk of holidays past and future - all of life seems to go on around me as I paint - it's quite amazing really - like some installation all by itself - the actual process.  It does leave me quite tired - but happy, because this is really, really good fun :D

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Wavy patterns

Happy Wednesday!  Today I gave Si his iris's and pupils!  That makes him look much more real (well, for a fiberglass lion anyway!).  I also started experimenting with the wave pattern taken from a Tolkien painting.  Not Sure I've quite got it, but there is plenty of room for the waves to meander more across the rest of the mane.

I had lots of conversations about the project today - all good for spreading the word - a couple of people actually seemed interested in bidding for a lion when they are auctioned off next summer.

Am going to try and get in earlier tomorrow - might even catch some of the breakfast crowd!

Monday 6 December 2010

The Mane base colour goes on!

It was great to get back to the Miramar today and continue with the painting.  I spent some time tidying up the face and painting the ears, then putting whites in the eyes - not typical lion eyes I might add - they will be more human when finished.  My daughter asked if they could be blue like hers and mine, so blue they will be - this will reflect the wavy theme of the mane nicely I hope, which has now had it's base colour added.

Quite a few people came up to say hello today, including the managers mother.  It's so lovely that people are taking an interest in the project - hopefully the word will be spreading and the project will grow - it would be great to have the town over-run by the lions next summer.

Anyway - here is the result of today's efforts - progress - but so much more to do.  Roll on the next painting day :)