Thursday 6 January 2011

Mane Stream!

Happy New Year!  Finally I am back to painting 'Si' - and it's good to be back :)

Yesterday I mostly patched up damage from children climbing on him over the Christmas holidays!  There were quite a few scratches - some deep - but worse are the scuffs from rubber soled shoes as these leave behind some of the rubber which doesn't take the paint very well :((  I will just have to keep going over them I suppose - one of the dangers of painting, and keeping the object, in a public space.

That aside - I've been getting back in tune with the project and today added the 'mane' stream down the middle of his mane.  I wasn't sure at first how to approach the top of the mane, but somehow the patterns seem to just form naturally as I begin to paint.  I suppose it's all about having that initial boldness, the rest just kind of follows on.

I would like to get the rest of the waves filled in in the next couple of visits now as I'm itching to get on to the body - it varies as to how many people come to talk to me, as to how long I get each time really - though I do like the conversation and that's all part of the project too - to bring awareness of the lions and why we are doing this.  Might have to get down there earlier tomorrow :)


  1. Wow!! It's looking beautiful! Can't wait to see the next stages :-) I've just downloaded and application form and will hopefully get something submitted in time!

  2. Thanks Cecca! You need to do one - it's grrrreat ;)

    I'm way overdue to post the next bit - I've done quite a bit more - will go sort it out now!

